

天有不测之风云,人有旦夕◥之祸福。人生在世,没有不生病的。生病乃人生最常见的痛苦,反映在语言上,与生病有关的词汇也特别多,英汉两种语言都至少有十几种之多。表达汉语中“疾病”一词的英语︻对应词,视其上下文有illness,sickness, disease, ailmemt, malady等。随着医学的发展,人类对疾□ 病的认识越来越深刻,疾〓病分类也越来越细。从构词法来分,英语中表疾病一词主要有三大类型:

1) 拉丁词词根构成的表达。在汉语中,病的名称通常都与身体部位有∑关,然而在英语中的许多疾病名称,乍看起来,往往与身体部位名称毫无相同之处,是因为其名称大多来自拉丁词根,举常见的炎←症为例,几乎所有的炎症英语名称都以-itis这一拉丁词后 缀结尾。现将汉●英用法比较如下:

耳、耳炎 ear,otitis 

肾、肾炎 kidney,nephritis 

鼻、鼻炎 nose,rhinitis 

肝、肝炎 liver,hepatitis 

牙、牙炎 tooth,odontitis 

关节、关节炎 joint, arthritis 

皮、皮炎 skin,dermatitis 

胃、胃炎 stomach,gastritis 

脑、脑炎 brain,encephalitis


2) 英语词根构成的表达。英语本族语中有许多从古沿用至今的表承疾病的词,如:



流感 influenza (or, flu)


麻疹 measles 


百日咳 whooping cough

3) 合成型。英语中有〒不少疾病名称是由两个或两个以上的单词构成的,在这种合成的名词中,既有拉丁词根的,也有英语词根的,或是两者兼而有之,如:

伤寒 typhoid fever 

心脏病 heart trouble / attack 

胃溃疡 gastric ulcer 

心力衰竭heart failure 

禽流感bird flu

非典型性肺炎 atypical pneumonia (SARs)

细菌性食物中毒bacterial poisoning 

高血压 high blood pressure (hypertension)

艾滋病 AIDS ( acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome) 


a.  to be( become) ill/sick with. . , /sickening for...; be taken ill. . . ; be attacked with...;

The boy is probably ill with a migraine (偏头疼)and he has become too ill to get up.

The patient on the left is sick with gall-stones (胆结石).

I think he is sickening for mumps (腮腺炎).

The old lady was taken ill through grief (with appendicitis阑尾炎).

b. to have /get /fall /feel some illness /to suffer from...

Mr. Johnson has acute pancreatitis (急性胰腺炎)

Tom got /has got typhoid (or fever)(伤寒).

I m afraid he has fallen ill with tubemiiosis (肺结核).

Her son felt ill /sick(想呕吐)this morning.

Many children fell ill from malnutrition (营养不良).

The old man suffered from an ailment (身体不适).

c. to catch /contract /develop /acquire /run / infect some illness

He has caught (a bad) cold.

The little girl has contracted cancer /snail fever (血吸虫病).

about 50% to 70% adults wlio acquired hepatitis A infection (甲肝病)

He developed jaundice (黄胆病).

Her husband was running a fever last night.

We all might be infectcd with measles (麻疹).


d. Some illness seizes sb. (have a touch of …)

Apoplexy (中风)seized the old lady two years ago. 

He has a touch of fever.


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